Diary, Personal Belief, Satanism

Satanism and Overcoming Depression

Theistic Satanism as I've practised up until now is inherently hostile to depression. Mind you, not to the depressed individual, but to the situation itself. I believe in loving myself, and doing what needs to be done to become a better, more powerful, and overall, happier version of myself. At one point, namely at the… Continue reading Satanism and Overcoming Depression



These are dark times for me. Never have I felt this tortured by my fears. Never have I felt this amount of dread. Never in my more than 10 years of being a Satanist, have I felt this far away from Satan, and from myself. Never in my life have I felt the need for… Continue reading Time.

Magic, Personal Belief, Practice, Satanism

Fòdil, The Ancient Demon Language

https://youtu.be/WCtsAbQn8Us In this video I am going to further develop on the Ancient Demon Language: By the way, it does have a name: Fòdil I’m also going to correct some wrong assumptions I made on my first blog post on this subject. First, a brief explanation of what is Fòdil, the Ancient Demon Language. I’ve… Continue reading Fòdil, The Ancient Demon Language


YouTube, because I don’t like writing that much.

https://youtu.be/SgqacGuCvrk This is a presentation video of sorts, an explanation of why I’ve opened this YouTube channel. Mainly because I don't like writing. For me, writing allows me to structure ideas, but hinders the thought process. I don’t and I don’t like having an academic approach to writing about all these subjects that I'm passionate… Continue reading YouTube, because I don’t like writing that much.

Magic, Personal Belief, Practice, Satanism

The Ancient Demon Language

After having deactivated my Facebook account (perhaps for good), I've allowed myself to indulge in alternating periods of hedonism and carelessness and periods deep meditation and occult workings. I am sorry if my social-media disappearance caused worry among my friends. I've been doing fine. And I've got some news. I've been working with Beelzebub a… Continue reading The Ancient Demon Language

Personal Belief, Satanism

Kill Nature or kill nature? (Part 2 of human survival focused on anti-environment)

Capitalization is important kids. Thankfully I have friends who remind me of the often shallowness of my newest ideas, like Aleph from his blog Aleph's Heretical Domain who points out a series of important flaws or problems with my previous post. Let's address them and try to make something viable out of this potential solution:… Continue reading Kill Nature or kill nature? (Part 2 of human survival focused on anti-environment)

Personal Belief, Satanism

Kill Nature! (Or another take on human survival focused on anti-environment)

It's been a while. I come to you today with an idea that has been going through my mind for a couple of years, and I feel it has matured enough to begin developing it. Bear in mind, this idea is a child, a fetus-- an ugly proto-idea that has been conceived in the womb… Continue reading Kill Nature! (Or another take on human survival focused on anti-environment)