Diary, Personal Belief, Satanism

Satanism and Overcoming Depression

Theistic Satanism as I’ve practised up until now is inherently hostile to depression. Mind you, not to the depressed individual, but to the situation itself.

I believe in loving myself, and doing what needs to be done to become a better, more powerful, and overall, happier version of myself.

At one point, namely at the time of the blog post before this one, I felt far away from my faith, from my beliefs, stuck in a struggle to survive the onslaught of my own negative thoughts and emotions. I chastised myself for abandoning my beliefs, but I realise now that I applied everything Satanism has taught me from the beginning of my struggle. I did not abandon my beliefs, I became them, in order to crawl back into some manner of well-being and peace (still a work in progress, I must admit).

The five main pillars of my belief.

It seems obvious now, but I tried to analyse myself, my thoughts, my behaviour, and when I failed, I sought help. I got the help, and I’m still applying it. I can see the storm beginning to pass, and for that I am grateful to my past self, for doing what needed to be done.

While not an experience I will remember fondly, this bleak episode of my life is definitely the chapter in which I’ve learned what it truly means to be Satanist. To love oneself, regardless of circumstances, and to enact that love. To strive for godhood.

Satan and the demons can be blessing when working towards the more mundane goals in life. But in the end, I only have myself to work towards my inner goals.

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